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International Relations

Of all the national institutions working in the field of construction ÉMI's international relations are the broadest. ÉMI is involved in the work of major European organizations and organizations overseas (not only as a member, but in many cases as an officer) with our basic activities (testing, inspection and certification of construction products) and also with the role we play in the area of research and innovation. ÉMI's active role in the work of these organizations presents an opportunitiy to strengthen the company's market position, to improve the competitiveness of the company in connection with our participation in cutting-edge research, to enforce the field's interests, and to get familiar with the results of institutions that have similar profiles.

Our membership and role in nternational organizations can be divided into two groups:

  1. Membership in international institutions involved in the conformity of construction products
    • The European Commission's Standing Committee on Construction
    • EOTA
    • UEAtc
    • WFTAO
    • ECIICE
  2. Membership in international institutions involved in research & development and innovation
    • ENBRI
    • ECTP
    • CIB
    • EGOLF

The European Commission's Standing Committee on Construction

The Standing Committee for Construction is the substantive decision-making institution in the operation and continuous improvement of the Construction Products Directive – CPD. In recent years the representatives of ÉMI Non-profit Llc. participated in the Committee's work as the representative of Hungary.

The European Union has established the Group of Notified Bodies (CPD-GNB) for the designated bodies of the Construction Products Directive. ÉMI participates in the work of this institution based on government designation.



EOTA, the European Organization for Technical Approvals has been created also by the Construction Products Directive. Its members are the approval organizations authorized by the governments of the Member States. The main activities of EOTA are the coordination of all the activities related to issuing the European Technical Approvals (ETA), development of the rules of procedure, and the adoption of Guidelines (ETAG). ÉMI Non-profit Llc. functions as a regular and active representative on all three levels of the EOTA management (General Assembly, Executive Board, Technical Board).



UEAtc (Union Européenne pour l’Agrément technique dans la construction, European Union of Technical Agreement) is the European union of institutes, that are engaged in the issue of national technical approvals (in Hungary ÉME). The independent organisations that comprise this network, mainly issue suitability certificates and national licenses for innovative construction products or systems. ÉMI has a several decades' history in the now nearly fifty years old organization.



Eight of the 23 WFTAO members (World Federation of Technical Assessment Organizations) are from outside Europe. Due to the increased activation of the European institutions in recent years, the activities of this organization are now in a decline.



ECI (European Cooperation for Information) – ICE (International Certification Engineers) is a co-operation of mainly Central and Eastern European construction testing, inspection, certification and sometimes research institutions in the field of conformity certification of construction products – including the mutually established ringtests.



In addition to 23 other institutions, ÉMI Non-profit Llc. is also a member of ENBRI (European Network of Building Research Institutes).



The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) has been operating as the new organizational form of research and innovation in construction area since 2003. The Hungarian Construction Technology Platform (Magyar Építésügyi Technológiai Platform, MÉTP) was formed in the fall of 2007, and its coordinating body is ÉMI Non-profit Llc.



ÉMI Non-profit Llc. is also a member of the CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction), another major worldwide institution of innovation in construction, where ÉMI is part of the management body.



ÉMI Non-profit Llc. undertakes roles also in professional institutions of specialized areas. One of these is EGOLF (European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing, Inspection and certification), which is a pool of training institutions, laboratories and experts active in the field of fire protection.



Partnereink, támogatóink

Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium
Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune
ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG

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